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Theme: The Gingerbread Man
Spiritual Development
I Can Do All Things
I Can Do All Things Song
After watching the video, recite the scripture verse Philippians 4:13. Now sing and do the actions to the "I can do all things" song.
Social And Emotional Development
How would you feel?
I Can, I Can’t
Asking For Help
After watching the video, state how you would feel if you were the little old woman or man.
Why would you feel that way?
After watching the video, discuss the things that you can and can't do on your own.
Can you put on your socks by yourself?
Can you brush your teeth by yourself?
Can you jump 5 times?
Can you say your mother’s name?
After watching the video, role play situations where you are asking someone for help.
Language Development
-AN Word Family
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
The Gingerbread Man
After watching the story, recall the main events of the story. Then draw a picture of your favorite part of the story and dictate and write two (2) sentences.
-UN Word Family
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Cognitive Development - Math
Rote Counting 1-50
Count along with the video. Then practice writing numerals 1-20.
Ordinal Numbers
After watching the video, count from 1 - 5 using ordinal numbers.
Big, Bigger & Biggest
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Cognitive Development - Science
Gingerbread Cookies
After watching the video, name the ingredients used to make the cookies. Then explain how the cookies were made. Finally, with the help of an adult, make gingerbread cookies.
A Way Of Escape
After watching the video, discuss an escape plan for the Gingerbread Man using a bridge. Then create a bridge using craft materials.
Physical And Creative Development
Physical- Gross Motor:
Gingerbread Man Dance
Dance along with the video.
Creative: Gingerbread Man Craft
After watching the video, create a gingerbread boy or girl craft.
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