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Theme: Air Transportation
Spiritual Development
Elijah and Chariot of Fire
Flag Flying High Song
After watching the bible story, answer the following questions:
1) How many prophets followed Elijah and Elisha to the Jordan River?
2) Was Elijah taken up to Heaven in a chariot of snow or fire?
Now sing and do the actions to the "Flag Flying High" song.
Social And Emotional Development
Air Transportation
How Do You Feel Flying?
Air Travel
After watching the video, state what is air transportation. Then name three (3) types of air transportation.
Then CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Have you ever traveled on an airplane?
After watching the video, state how you felt traveling on an airplane.
Question: Why did you feel that way?
After watching the video, discuss your experience traveling on an airplane.
Then draw a picture and dictate a sentence about your experience.
Language Development
High Frequency Word: am
After watching the video, create two (2) sentences using the high frequency word "am".
Write your sentences and then circle the high frequency word "am" in your sentences.
High Frequency Word: small
After watching the video, write the high frequency word "small" five (5) times. Then search in your environment for the high frequency word "small".
-Up Word Family
After watching the video, draw a picture of two (2) words that are a part of the -UP word family. Then write their names.
Air Transportation Sight Word Story
Read along with the air transportation sight word story.
How many sight words do you know from the story?
Cognitive Development - Math
Rote Counting 1-50
Count along with the video.
Review of Shapes
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Advanced Activity
CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Review of Positional Words
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Cognitive Development - Science
After watching the video, name two (2) planets.
1) How many planets are there in the solar system?
2) What is the name of the planet that we live on?
Parts of an Airplane
After watching the video, draw and label an airplane.
Physical And Creative Development
Physical- Fine Motor:
Practice cutting different types of lines along with the video.
Creative: Creating a Kite
After watching the video, create a kite. Then, with an adult, fly your kite in an open area outside.

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