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Theme: Love & Valentines
Spiritual Development
Jesus Loves The Children
Jesus Loves The Little Children Song
Predict what will happen in the story and draw a picture of your prediction. Then listen to the Bible Story "Jesus and The Children" and check your prediction.
Question: In what ways did God show love to the children?
Social And Emotional Development
Valentine's Day
After watching the video, discuss the things that are done on Valentine’s day in a complete sentence.
I Love Me
After watching the video, make the following declarations:
1. I am special.
2. I am awesome.
3. I am smart.
4. I am loved.
5. I am thankful.
6. I am a good friend.
7. I choose to be happy.
I Love My Friends
After watching the video, name ways that you can show love to your friends in a complete sentence.
Language Development
Letter Zz
Identification & Formation
After watching the video, write upper and lower case Zz on a sheet of paper.
Say the letter /z/ sound.
Then find the letter Zz on prints in your environment.
Letter Vv
Identification & Formation
After watching the video, form upper and lower case Vv using objects in your environment eg. popsicle sticks.
Then CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Say the letter /v/ sound.
Then CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Story: Pete the Cat “I love my white shoes.
Watch the story twice then answer the following questions:
What was the title of the story?
Who was the main character?
At the beginning of the story, what was Pete doing?
What did Pete love?
How do you know Pete loved his shoes?
What happened to Pete’s shoes?
Explain what happened to Pete’s shoes at the end of the story
High Frequency Word: You
After watching the video, create two (2) sentences using the word "you".
Then CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Cognitive Development - Math
Big, Bigger, Biggest
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Then find rocks that are three different sizes, one that is big, one that is bigger and the final one that is the biggest.
Shape: Heart
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet. Then use clay to form the heart shape.
Numeral 10
After watching the video, rote count to 10. Then draw 10 red hearts.
Finally, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Cognitive Development - Science
Rainbow Heart With Skittles
Predict what will happen with the skittles. Then watch the video and complete the science experiment with an adult.
Valentine/ Love Potion
After watching the video, name ingredients needed for the experiment. Then complete the science experiment with an adult.
Physical And Creative Development
Physical- Fine Motor: Number 10
Practice writing numeral 10.
Creative: Paper Heart Craft
After watching the video, create a paper heart with the help of an adult.

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