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Theme: Harvest/Thanksgiving
Morning Messages
Spiritual Development
The Ten Lepers
Give Thanks
Activity: Listen to the story "The Ten Lepers" and discuss the events of the story. Then tell what happened in sequence first, next and last. Finally discuss being grateful and state some ways that you can show thankfulness.
Social And Emotional Development
Healthy Foods
After watching the video, go on a healthy food hunt to find a healthy food item in your environment. Then identify 3 healthy foods and give 2 reasons why we should eat healthy foods.
Please and Thank You
After watching the story and listening to the song, describe a situation where you would use the words "please" and "thank you".
Things I am Thankful For
Sing along with the song. Then state something that you are thankful for in a complete sentence.
Language Development
Letter Bb
Identification & Formation
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Say the letter /b/ sound. Then draw a picture of your favorite letter Bb word and write its name.
High Frequency Word: like
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Foods I Like To Eat
After watching the video, state two food items that you like to eat. Then write your sentences and draw pictures to go with each sentence.
For example:I like to eat apples.
Happy Thanksgiving
Sing along with the video. Does your family have a big meal on Thanksgiving Day? Tell us about it. Then draw a picture of you and your family at Thanksgiving.
Cognitive Development - Math
Number 3
After watching the video, count to three using your fingers.
Then CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Colour Black
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Then go on a colour black hunt and find things that are the colour black.
Long & Short
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Cognitive Development - Science
Fruits and Seeds
After watching the video, find a fruit and predict how many seeds are in that fruit. With the help of an adult, cut the fruit open and count the amount of seeds found in the fruit. Was your prediction correct?
Finally, describe the seed and draw a picture of the seed in your science journal.
The Pumpkin Cycle
After watching the video, explain the life cycle of the pumpkin in the correct order. Then CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Physical And Creative Development
Physical- Gross Motor: Turkey Hokey Pokey
Move along with the video.
Creative: Thanksgiving Turkey Craft
After watching the video, with the help of an adult, create a thanksgiving turkey.
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