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May 9 - 13, 2022

Theme: Land Transportation

Spiritual Development
Balaam's Donkey
He's Still Working On Me
After watching the bible story, state your favourite part of the story. How did God use the donkey? Now sing the "He's still working on me" song.
Social And Emotional Development
Land Transportation
After watching the video, state what is land transportation. Then name two (2) types of land transportation.
How Do You Feel Taking A Bus Ride?
Sing along with the nursery rhyme. Then state if you have ever been on a bus and how it made you feel. Now draw a picture to show your feelings.
My Favourite Type Of Land Transportation
After watching the video, state your favourite type of land transportation. Then use clay to create your favourite type of land transportation.
Language Development
Letter Tt
Identification & Formation
After watching the videos, finger write upper and lower case "Tt" in the air. Then form upper and lower case "Tt" using popsicle sticks.
Story: The Goodnight Train
After watching the video, state your favourite part of the story in a complete sentence. Then answer the following questions:

What type of transportation is a train?
2. What sound does the train make?

3. Why do you think the train was called the Goodnight Train? 
Letter Tt Phonics
After watching the video, say the letter /t/ sound.

Then CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.

Finally, find two (2) items that begin with the letter "Tt".
Cognitive Development - Math
Rote Counting 
While watching the video, rote count and clap as you say each number.

Assembling Puzzles
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete a puzzle.
Standard Measurement
After watching the videos, use a ruler to measure these objects:

1. a table
2. a story book
3. a shoe
4. a rug
Cognitive Development - Science
Force And Motion
After watching the video, practice moving a ball, tissue roll and toy car using force. 
Simple Machines: Seesaw
After watching the video, create a seesaw. What type of simple machine is a seesaw?

CLICK HERE to explore more simple machine projects.
Physical And Creative Development
Physical- Gross Motor:
Car Dance
Do the actions along with the video. Then draw a picture of your future car.
Creative: Paper Plate School Bus
After watching the video, create a paper plate school bus with the help of an adult.
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