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April 4 - 8, 2022
Theme: Easter
Spiritual Development
The Triumphant Entry
Hosanna Rock Song
Listen to the Bible Story "The Triumphant Entry" and answer the following questions:
1. What festival were the people celebrating?
2. What animal did Jesus ride into Jerusalem on?
3. What did the people shout as Jesus rode into the city?
Then create palm branches using green construction paper, popsicle sticks, and glue. Finally, walk in a circle while the “Hosanna Rock Song” plays and wave your palm branches to worship God.
Social And Emotional Development
Easter Holiday
The Resurrection of Jesus
After watching the video, explain how you feel about the tomb being empty and that Jesus is alive. Draw a picture to show your feelings.
Easter Basket
After watching the video, name things that you would want to go in your Easter basket.
Language Development
Letter Sounds Review
Say the letter sounds and the words beginning with each letter along with the video.
Then, say the letter sounds Aa-Zz without the video.
How many letter sounds do you know?
Story: Pete The Cat Big Easter Adventure
After watching the video, state your favourite part of the story in a complete sentence. Then answer the following questions:
1. What holiday was Pete excited about?
2. What did Pete find in his Easter basket?
3. Who wrote Pete a letter?
4. What did Pete dress up as?
5. What colors were the eggs?
6. Who arrived when Pete was done hiding the eggs?
7. What did the Easter Bunny give Pete the Cat?
High Frequency Word: big
After watching the video, create two (2) sentences using the word "big".
For example: The easter basket is big.

High Frequency Word: little
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Cognitive Development - Math
Numeral 15
After watching the videos, practice writing numeral 15.
Then CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Review Of 3D Shapes
After watching the video, find something that is the shape of a cube, cone, cylinder, pyramid and sphere.
Numeral 16
After watching the videos, practice writing numeral 16.
Then CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Cognitive Development - Science
Tie Dye Easter Eggs
After watching the video, tie dye an egg. Once completed, list the steps you took to complete this experiment.
Bouncy Egg Science Experiment
After watching the video, follow the steps to create a bouncy egg. What do you think happened to the egg after 24 hours?
Physical And Creative Development
Physical- Fine Motor:
Easter Bunny Drawing
Follow along with the video to draw an Easter Bunny.
Creative: Easter Bunny Dance
Sing and move along with the video.

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