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March 21 - 25, 2022
Theme: My Country:
Spiritual Development
Jesus At The Wedding
My God Is So Big
Listen to the Bible Story "Jesus At The Wedding" and recall details from the story. Then state your favourite part of the story in a complete sentence. Finally, sing along with the "My God is so big" song.
Social And Emotional Development
What Is Culture?
After watching the story, discuss what is culture and identify different things that make up the Bahamian culture.
How Do I Feel About My Bahamian Culture?
Dance to the junkanoo music. How does junkanoo music make you feel? Draw a face to show that feeling.
Respecting Other's Culture
After watching the video,
tell ways other cultures are similar or different from your own.
Language Development
Letter Ll
Identification & Formation
After watching the video, look for the letter Ll in environmental prints.
Say the letter /l/ sound.
Can you think of any Bahamian Islands that begin with the letter Ll? Draw a picture of that island and trace its name.
Story: Tar Baby
After watching the story, recall the main events of the story. Who were the main characters? Then role play the story with a friend.
Journal Writing:
Children Of The World
After watching the video, draw a picture of someone from a different culture. Then find out something about their culture.
Cognitive Development - Math
ABC Pattern
After watching the video, create an ABC pattern using objects. Here is an example:
Long And Short
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Numeral 6
After watching the video, clap. clip, stomp and spin around 6 times. Then create a set of six objects. Count each object in the set aloud.
Cognitive Development - Science
Natural Resource: Sand
After watching the video, discuss places where you can find sand. Then observe and investigate sand using the 5 senses. How does it look, smell, taste, sound, feel? Finally, make a sand sculpture using wet sand.
Making Conch Salad
After watching the video, make conch salad with the help of an adult. Then
CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Physical And Creative Development
Physical- Fine Motor: Letter Ll
After watching the video, practice writing upper and lower case Ll.
Creative: Flamingo Craft
After watching the video, with the help of an adult, create a flamingo.

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