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Theme: Farm Animals
Spiritual Development
David the Shepherd Boy
Only A Boy Named David
Listen to the Bible Story "David The Shepherd Boy" and recall details from the story. Then name the farm animals from the story. Finally, sing along with the song "Only A Boy Named David".
Social And Emotional Development
Farm Animals
After watching the video, name two (2) farm animals. Then draw a picture of those farm animals.
The Farmer
After watching the video, explain the role of a farmer.
Question: What do you think would happen if there were no farmers?
Farm Animals Used For Food
After watching the video, name foods that come from farm animals. Then CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Language Development
Letter Hh
Identification & Formation
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Say the letter /h/ sound.
Can you think of any farm animals that begin with the letter Hh? Name that farm animal and draw a picture of it.
Story: Big Red Barn
Watch the story twice then answer the following questions:
Who was the story about?
Where did the story take place?
What sound do some of the farm animals make?
What is your favorite farm animal? Why?
Nursery Rhyme: The Farmer In The Dell
Sing along with the nursery rhyme.
Cognitive Development - Math
Position: Left
While watching the video, practice raising your left hand and left foot when you hear the word "left".
Picture Graph
After watching the video, create a picture graph using the information below.
2 chickens
1 sheep
3 pigs
Numeral 4
After watching the video, rote count to number 4 and hold up 4 fingers. Then jump, stomp, clap and spin around 4 times.
Cognitive Development - Science
Animal Body Coverings
After watching the video, CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Animal Habitats
After watching the video, name one (1) animal and their habitat.
Then CLICK HERE to complete an interactive worksheet.
Physical And Creative Development
Physical- Gross Motor: Animal Movements
Move along with the video.
Creative: Old MacDonald Had A Farm
Sing and do the actions to the nursery rhyme. Then create a farm scene using different items (for example: paper, clay, cardboard, paint, animals, glue)
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